There is no doubt that 2020 put us through the wringer. We’ve been hit by everything and anything, but doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of things to be thankful for. Getting into the Thanksgiving spirit, I’ll be taking y'all through a few of the things I’m grateful for this year. Even though there’s definitely many more, here’s 50 things I’m thankful for this year. Some of these are more heartfelt and serious, while others are just tomfoolery and meant to make you laugh. I really am thankful for these, though.
Just on a more serious note: I know 2020 wasn't kind to us. We've gone through loss and devastation, which means we need to cherish everything we do have even more. Never take anything for granted, so call your parents, call your friends, call anyone important in your life and tell them you love them. Happy (belated) Thanksgiving everyone, and I hope all is well. We can still have some holiday spirit now, because it's the most wonderful time of the year and that'll never change.
1. Basic necessities: a roof over my head, food on the table, clean water, etc.
2. Basic rights and freedoms, so we can live our lives and express our voices
3. My family, for loving me unconditionally and giving me the opportunities to try anything and everything
4. My friends, for supporting me and making me laugh like no one else
5. The privilege of being able to get a good education
6. Technology and all those other modern advancements so I can get the aforementioned good education even in a pandemic
7. Career opportunities, even during the pandemic
8. Good health and safety <3
9. Modern medicine, for keeping us in good health
10. This blog, for being the creative outlet I didn’t know I needed
11. Volleyball, for giving me a sense of community and teaching me how to brush off mistakes (and getting me into shape)
12. Good news, because we all need some
13. Home-cooked meals, something I’ll definitely miss in two years when I have to cook for myself
14. Teachers, because there’s no way we’d be able to learn and get those good educations without them
15. Doctors, because we couldn’t do without them (and because I would have a torn ACL and no way of healing without them)
16. Good memories, for reminding us of when we laughed ‘til we cried

From China, a trip that holds some serious good memories for me
17. A good night’s sleep, because recharging is essential
18. Hugs, which I will never take for granted again
19. Good surprises, because they make your day
20. Deep conversations, for bringing meaning and understanding between two people
21. Open-minded people, for giving us the acceptance and love we need
22. Free time, because it’s precious and makes us happy
23. Handwritten letters and cards, because they’re the best kind of gift you could ever receive
24. Loyalty and honesty, for building our relationships
25. Dogs, for being a man’s (or woman’s) best friend (honestly, animals in general just make people so happy)
26. A safety net, because not all of us have one
27. My siblings, for letting me use their streaming services (though my parents finally got a Netflix account!!)
28. My sister, for leaving her ukulele behind when she went to college, eventually causing me to become yet another Internet ukulele girl
29. Zoe and Michelle, for starting blogs and giving me the whole idea of starting a blog of my own
30. Fruit, for being the best food group (though carbs are definitely up there too)
31. Fitness YouTubers, for giving us the best workouts for no cost
32. Game day bagels, for providing me with my biweekly dose of ~carbs~ in the fall (don’t forget the cream cheese!)
33. Peanut butter and bananas, for making my toast ten times better
34. The time of spring when it’s finally warm enough to wear shorts, because I hate jeans
35. Thin mints, for being the best type of Girl Scout Cookie
36. High school, for taking me down a notch (egos are not welcome here)
37. Fuzzy socks, because my feet get cold in the winter
38. Day and June from Legend, for being my ultimate comfort characters
39. Boba, for just being so good
40. Pizza, especially if it’s delivered right to your doorstep (Domino’s biggest fan right here)
41. Otterbox, for creating a phone case that keeps my phone from shattering every time I drop it (which is a biweekly occurrence)
42. Amazon Prime, for supporting me and my last-minute shopping
43. Spotify, for giving us the best music free of cost
44. Kind strangers, for making my day and making those times when we used to wait in long lines all the time bearable
45. Ice cream, for being there when we’re in the highest of highs and the lowest of lows (mail me ice cream please I know it’s November but still)
46. Weekends, because we all need a break sometimes
47. Actors, musicians, and other content creators, because what would we do without you
48. Baking, for all the happiness (and carbs) it’s brought
49. Books, for giving me a place where I can disappear into another world
50. Thanksgiving, for being the best holiday (I said it, I said it)