If you wanted to find an opportunity to roast me, here it is. I’m 100% going to get attacked for this entire post, but I thought it'd be funny for me to tell y’all some of my unpopular opinions. Some of these are more common, but others are ones that I haven’t heard before. I’m usually very unproblematic and uncontroversial, but these are things that I feel pretty strongly about. They’re definitely very lighthearted (but if you look up unpopular opinions online, they get *very* intense), so I hope y’all have some fun reading this! If you happen to agree with any of these, let me know so we can laugh about it together (and possibly fangirl over pineapple on pizza? Not required though).
Note: these are all opinions, NOT facts. You are free to disagree with me and think I’m wrong, and at the end of the day, this is just some lighthearted fun.

Popular opinion: beaches are real nice (Virginia Beach, VA)
1. The Notebook is unromantic
I watched this movie for the first time last month, and let me tell you, it did not live up to the hype. Will and Allie’s relationship is SO toxic like I’m sorry? All they did when they were younger was scream and push at each other, and then kiss and make up. Then, they play it off as some great American romance even though it was just not a healthy relationship. Also, the ferris wheel scene in the beginning could be seen as cute, but in my mind it’s just dangerous and rude. Dear Will, the lady said no, so I don’t know what you’re still doing up there trying to pressure her into going out with you. If you want to be persistent, maybe do it on the ground? Try to win her over? Be nice to her? Also, regarding the fiasco after the iconic rain scene, I do not care if you loved each other five years ago, the lady is engaged, so do Lon a solid and not cheat on him. I would like to say, though, that Will and Allie when they’re older are actually very nice and genuinely a good couple.
2. Cheating in books, movies, and TV shows is not cute in the slightest
This is the one that I definitely feel the strongest about. I don’t care how cute these two characters are together and I don’t care how annoying the current SO is; no one deserved to be cheated on, and you could at least break up with the aforementioned not-so-great SO before going off and getting with someone else. Cheating is just plain wrong and sets a bad example for everyone in the audience, and this “trope” is so common in contemporary media that it’s almost being viewed on a pedestal since some of the most popular ships were born from cheating (ahem, John B and Sarah Cameron). Cheating should not be worshipped.
3. The enemies to lovers trope is unrealistic and unromantic
Let me just get something straight. The friends to lovers trope? Lovely. The enemies to lovers trope? Not. I’m down for ex-friends to lovers because they’ve enjoyed each other’s presence one and they can just reconcile whatever differences caused them to not be friends anymore. However, the enemies to lovers trope is a completely different story. I just feel like it’s unrealistic for someone to flip a switch and decide that they suddenly don’t hate someone anymore. And they don’t just not hate them, they love them too? That's going from 0 to 100 real quick. There are some version of enemies to lovers that I'm down with because they're not exactly mortal enemies, there's a lot of teasing banter, and they become friends before they become anything more. I totally understand not having a great first impression of someone, but the thing about certain enemies to lovers romances is that the characters go immediately from hate to love -- from irritating and acting against the other to revealing that they loved them all this time. That rapid tipping of the scales is what doesn't do it for me. Enemies to lovers romances can totally be done well, but if you accentuate the hate too much or fail to have a smooth transition between hate and love, that's when it goes downhill. Again, there are many instances in which this trope is done extremely well, but this trope really really needs some good relationship development for that to happen. Otherwise, it's doesn't work.
4. Everything is fine with the way the Harry Potter couples turned out
I feel like the eventual Harry and Ginny/Hermione and Ron pairings got so much hate, but I'm not all that opposed to it. I like Harry and Ginny together; I also like Hermione and Ron together. One, it's the whole opposites attract thing with how Ron is goofy and Hermione is nerdy; two, it's how Harry is the main character and he can't get everything. Hermione is the main girl of the Harry Potter series, and Harry shouldn’t end up with her because he has everything else. Also, if Harry ended up with Hermione, then who would Ron be with? We're not splitting up Neville and Luna, and Ron can’t end up alone, so then what?
5. TV shows and long book series are overwhelming
Seriously, it’s overwhelming to the point of being stressful. Shows that have 9 seasons (I’m looking at you, Vampire Diaries) and series that have unlimited books (*cough* Percy Jackson *cough*) are so overwhelming to me that I’m not inclined to read or watch them. People always tell me to watch TVD and read the Percy Jackson series, but the fact that it’ll take me months to finish the whole thing is a turn-off. I know that when I actually read the books or watch the show, it’ll be good, but it’ll take me so long to get to a point of finality, when all of the endings are actually endings, that it makes it really hard to want to start.

Popular opinion: strawberries and blueberries are delicious
6. Mayonnaise is underrated
It’s so good. Mayonnaise is just so good. After ketchup, it’s the superior sandwich condiment. You have to try mayo on your sandwiches because it’s life changing. I don’t know whether people don’t like mayo or just like other sauces better, but mayo is underappreciated. I repeat, underappreciated.
7. Soggy cereal is the best thing ever
The milk tastes so much better after the cereal gets soggy. Soggy cereal just tastes so good, especially with cereals like Honey Bunches of Oats. If you eat it right after pouring the milk in (cereal before milk, always), the flavors and textures don't mesh as well. But if you wait a few minutes, it tastes like cereal, not just dry cereal + milk.
8. Oatmeal raisin cookies are objectively superior
Y’all are sleeping on oatmeal raisin cookies because they are just as good (and in my opinion, better) than chocolate chip cookies. They’re chewy and flavorful and make you think that you’re eating healthy because oatmeal has that good ol’ fiber. Oatmeal raisin cookies deserve much more love than they’re getting right now, and that’s a fact.
9. Olives make pizza better
I don’t understand all of the hate for olives. They’re really good. Okay, maybe not by themselves, but definitely on sandwiches and especially on pizza. Olives on pizza don’t even taste like anything much, but they add some nice flavor and texture. There’s a reason Costco has olives on their combo pizza. Costco is the gold standard.
10. Green grapes > red grapes
Speaking of Costco, their green grapes are the best things ever. I like green grapes a lot more than red grapes because they’re usually more crisp and less sweet, which is a great thing for me because when something (especially fruit or dessert) has too strong of a flavor, my throat starts to hurt. Only me? That’s okay. But green grapes are simply so delicious, especially when they’re frozen and extra extra crisp.
11. It’s okay to bite your string cheese
I'm going to get so much hate for this one, but I think it's totally okay to bite your string cheese. It's not okay to bite your KitKats, though; you have to split your KitKats. In situations where you don’t want to or can’t wash your hands, biting your string cheese is not criminal; it’s actually useful. Or, when you don't want to risk getting cheese under your fingernails, it’s totally fine to bite your string cheese. Let me bite my string cheese in peace, please.
12. Dark chocolate is the best kind of chocolate
So you know how I was talking about how things that are too sweet make my throat hurt? Overly sweet chocolate is one of those. Milk chocolate is really good, but sometimes it can be way too sweet for me; also, eating dark chocolate makes me feel like I'm being a little bit healthier when I want to eat dessert. Personal affirmations.
13. Twizzlers and Tootsie Rolls are top notch
Twizzlers and Tootsie Rolls are both delicious. I repeat, they are delicious. I really don't know why everyone hates Tootsie Rolls so much, but they just taste really good: they're chocolatey and chewy, kind of a mix between the texture of a fruity candy and flavor of chocolate candy, which is basically the best of both worlds. Twizzlers are very underrated as a Halloween candy and should definitely be appreciated more. Twizzlers and Tootsie Rolls deserve more love.

Popular opinion: dalgona coffee is very very good
14. Online school is not that bad
I know people who absolutely hate online school and learning online in general, and although I’ll agree that online school isn’t perfect, it’s definitely not as bad as some people make it out to be. This is a personal preference, and I know that everyone learns differently, but I just like dictating how I spend my time and having that freedom to work wherever and wherever I want; that's something that is easily available with online school, and I feel like I'm being more efficient with my time with online school. I usually have the discipline (and sometimes the motivation) to make sure that I'm actually being productive, so I think I’m able to learn fine online. Check out them online school tips if you need some advice (shameless plug).
15. Busy work is fun
I'm also going to get so attacked for this, but I think busy work is fun. Maybe not as fun as going to an amusement park, but it’s not torture. When you get home from school and you're given the option between doing busy work and doing hard work that will hurt your brain, busy work is the less tiring and easier option; consequently, it’s also the more fun option. Busy working is actually not that bad in comparison to more advanced work, change my mind.
16. Matching outfits are not cute
Okay, matching outfits are cute on babies, but I’m personally not the biggest fan of matching outfits on couples or friends or any other groups. I mean, I match with my friends every year for a spirit day, but that's as far as my matching limits will go. I'm not going to want to match outfits with someone just for fun, and I just don't think it's the cutest thing in the world.
So, those are all of my unpopular opinions! Hope you don’t hate me too much, and I hope y’all enjoyed reading. Don’t roast me too hard, please.