And summer posts continue. I thought I wasn't going to be that busy this summer, but I was completely wrong. Even though there's a lot on my plate these next few months, I still have a few fun things that I want to do, and I'll tell y'all them today! Without further ado, my summer 2021 bucket list!

More trips like these, coming soon!
Hang out with friends -- done already hehe
Eat at a restaurant -- done!! it was very good food
Post on Instagram -- I posted for the first time in over 1.5 years,, nice
Get book mail (aka someone sends me a book that I didn't order myself -- this actually already happened, but I haven't opened any of the packages yet)
Watch the sunset
Watch the sunrise
Reach my Goodreads reading goal for 2021 (I have a goal to read 100 books in 2021, and I'm already at 82!)
Go swimming
Travel (safely) -- just completed this one when I went on a short weekend trip with my family (we're all fully vaxxed)!
Watch fireworks
Watch the Olympics
Get my driver's license (and then play "drivers license" by Olivia Rodrigo in the car)
Get a job (ideally at a bookstore LOL)
Make money of my own -- technically completed this one? It's kinda complicated
Play volleyball (finally ready for my senior year comeback hehe)
Update my closet (aka finally go clothes shopping)
Hug a friend -- done!! (yes we're both vaxxed)
Go on a sunset drive with a friend
Go on a virtual college tour -- done lol,, love the summer before senior year
Finally relax (because I need a break)