See, when I said I wanted to be Lara Jean Covey, I didn’t mean this. This is some next-level To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before stuff. I am absolutely mortified right now, but by the words of the great MissRemiAshten, “Content Baby Content”. If you haven’t heard of this trend, basically you send everyone you’ve ever had a crush on a Google form and read all of the lovely responses. The first person I saw do this was Jazzy Anne, and one of the questions in this quiz was taken from the same type of video by Kaitlin Fong. This is so unbelievably out of my comfort zone, but not gonna lie it was kind of fun to see what everyone thought of me. I’m going to be doing this video style with some of my general thoughts after each form response, just like the BuzzFeed quizzes post. If you want to take the quiz yourself, here you go? Have fun with that and hope y’all have fun reading this post (aka I hope my embarrassment was worth it)!
Just a note: I didn’t send this to every single person I’ve had a crush on just because there are some people that I’m either on not good terms with (like it’s *not* good) or they have girlfriends and I’m not trying to start any drama. Anyway, this is just for fun so just trying to keep it low key. Most of the guys I messaged are either my good friends or we used to be good friends, but we haven’t talked in a bit.
The Quiz
Tl;dw (too long; didn’t watch): These are all of the quiz questions that I sent to everyone. I tried to be kinda funny with the 1-10 scale descriptions okay please appreciate my humor also yes is this me trying to procrastinate sending these messages.
Guy #1: “Kyle”
Tl;dw: He’s a guy I met through mutual friends several years back and liked in middle/high school. We’re still tight now, but he had no idea that I liked him, so it was especially awkward when we were talking normally and I just popped up and sent him this quiz. That was the nicest thing ever, though, like honestly such an ego boost and I’m very flattered. For a hot second there I was confused as to how he didn’t pick up the signs, but when you’re technically online friends, it makes sense.
Guy #2: “Sam”
Tl;dw: We’re friends from high school and I liked him a few years back. We’re not the closest anymore, but we’re still chill; we don’t despise each other or anything. I knew he knew that I liked him, and I also knew that those feelings went unreciprocated, so no real surprises here. Honestly, his answers were really nice and I was pretty pleasantly surprised. Shoutout to Sam for thinking I’m compassionate haha because when asked what my best personality trait is in interviews and such, I always say compassion or knowing people well, even though I do think I can work on empathy more. So yeah, that was nice.
Guy #3: “Matt”
Tl;dw: We met in elementary school, didn’t talk much, and became better friends in high school. I liked him in elementary school and the end of middle school, but we’ve always been just good friends. His answers to the did you know I liked you/did you like me questions weren’t surprising, but man did I have a laugh on the standout quality question. Not gonna lie, it’s very true. I’ll take it as a compliment, I guess. I feel like most people think that they look better in pictures than in person? Correct me if I’m wrong, though. But personally, I always hate the way that pictures turn out, so there’s that.
Guy #4: “Bruhnet”
Tl;dw: We were friends in middle school and I liked him for a bit then, but we don’t talk too much now. I was kinda mean to him at one point while I liked him, and I am so sorry for that like what the heck was I doing? No idea. I wasn’t all that surprised with his answers because he doesn’t know high school me all that well since the time period that he knew me best was a few years ago. I’m pretty happy with his standout quality answer because he, unlike every other guy friend I have, thinks I’m tall! And the music taste comment is also a plus because I think music taste says a lot about a person, and I think I have pretty decent music taste? Hopefully?
Guy #5: “Sky Bluey”
Tl;dw: He’s the guy that I’ve known for the longest, and I liked him way back in elementary school. We’re still friends now, but we just don’t talk that much because we go to different schools. I would like to say that I have no recollection of what happened almost ten years ago, and I’m very surprised that he remembers it that vividly (haha). Also, unlike what he thinks, this was not or intended to be a trap quiz. I got exposed so hard in this but you know, that’s what I expected. I do appreciate him giving me nice ratings (even though he told me in advance that he didn’t know how to rate me so he’d give me nice ones) and saying that I’m alpha -- if you think you’re in simp nation, you are very mistaken.
Guy #6: “Alex”
Tl;dw: We met in elementary school, and we liked each other for a while in the end of elementary school/beginning of middle school. We don’t talk too much now because we go to different schools, but we’re still friends and we check in on each other every once in a while. His answers were pretty much all things I knew, and thankfully he didn’t expose me. I went on this whole tangent about how I’m kinda extroverted, kinda introverted and how I’ve become a lot more chill/quiet as I’ve grown older, but that was all basically in response to him saying that I’m very outgoing. I do appreciate him saying that, though, because I like to think that I’m a friendly person.
Overall Thoughts
First, a huge huge thank you to all of the guys for agreeing to take this quiz, even if I texted them out of the blue for the first time in half a year. Good thing they were all chill with responding because if they weren’t, that’d be pretty embarrassing having planned out a whole post and not having anyone respond to me. I’m glad I did this just because it was interesting to read what these guys thought of me. I agree with most of their answers, and I appreciate how a majority of them put my personality above my looks because that makes me feel like a cool person who isn’t completely dry. Looking at the six guys, the first three are the ones that knew me best in high school, and the second three are ones that knew me best in elementary/middle school, so take that as you will. I think that may have factored into their responses because they don’t know me all that well now, and I’ve definitely changed in the past five years.
The question that I have the biggest confusion on is the question about what terms we’re on because I am definitely not on the exact same terms with all of the four guys that put a 6 (some are a 6, some are a big higher/lower). But no hard feelings, and I wasn’t offended in any way by anyone’s answers because it’s all for fun; it was a pretty interesting social experiment that I probably would have never done without the blog, and it was cool to do something so out of my comfort zone. Shoutout to Mai for making me do this haha anything for the content. Anyway, I hope y’all enjoyed reading/watching this, and have a good one!