Storytime. I was having a nice conversation with Bhaswith when he gave me the idea of reacting and rating my old text messages with people, just like how other people (especially on TikTok) rate their old outfits, floats from the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade, and other random things. I can definitely recall some funny conversations I’ve had with other people, so buckle up and be prepared to laugh (or cringe).
PS I tried to keep all of the text recipients anonymous, and I don't think there's anything incriminating in these screenshots, but if you want anything taken down just let me know!!

Rating: 4/10
Yeah, so the person who won was very correct. My losses in word hunt are the most unsurprising thing ever. Brownie points for taking the L like a champ.

Rating: 8/10
+6 for trying to save my room from bug infestation. +4 for sending this text in a meeting without people realizing it. -1 for being terrified of bugs and needing my parents to rescue me. -1 for that one capital A that shouldn’t be there.

Rating: 3.6/10
-10 for simping so hard for book guys even though they literally do not exist Caroline get over yourself. +1.8 for recognizing my issues. +1.1 because let’s be honest, any book guy > any real guy. +0.4 for comedy. +0.3 for pity.

Rating: 4000/10
Appropriate use of capitalization. Queen Taylor deserves it. Stream “evermore” please it’s literal gold.

Rating: 7/10
Kinda sorta very dry to the point that it’s laughable, but go me for letting my mom know that I’m going for a run. Safety first, kids. Please also appreciate the slight variation in my phrasing for “I’m going on a run”. I tried, okay?

Rating: -837/10
Stop. Literally stop. Caroline why would you torture yourself like that on a literal Saturday night (during Thanksgiving break, might I add). Pack your bags and leave town.

Rating: 9/10
I really don’t understand the 21 Savage meme but my reply was quite valid. Simp for Zuko.

Rating: 5.4/10
For context, I sent a *very hysterical* voice memo to my friend because a book character died and I was frantic. Plot twist, I sent the *very hysterical* voice memo to the wrong friend. Points for the laugh I probably gave the recipient. “AND BOOK GUY JUST STRAIGHT UP DIED LIKE” makes me laugh. Negative points for the sheer embarrassment.

Rating: 200/10
My friend and I were talking about celebrity crushes and I stand by what I said. Jim Carrey as the Grinch is a hot commodity. Absolutely iconic.
(please know that I'm joking -- love Jim Carrey but the Grinch is decidedly not a... heartthrob)
So... I hope you laughed. I hope you were entertained. I hope this post wasn't a total flop. Have a great day everyone, and see you on Monday for some more legit content!