Tea is spilled. Scalding hot. Caution, caliente.
That’s what you’re going to say after reading what happened when I decided to interview my friends with the world’s most random questions! Basically, I was thinking of that TikTok trend where you ask your friends why you’re single, and the responses were always really funny, so I decided to do my own spin on the trend. Instead of asking my friends why I’m single, I decided to ask my friends really odd questions that no one ever wanted the answer to! Woohoo! Okay but these were really funny haha I loved reading through these.
A huge thank you to my friends for answering these questions and putting up with me haha. By the way, I wrote some of the more “teen” slang words out into their actual word form for your reading pleasure :’) I also included the answer I would choose for myself and some of my thoughts/reactions. Hope this makes y’all laugh!

Mountain views before the real tea
If I got famous, what would it be for?
“YOUR BLOG lol but probably something that has a big impact on the world and helps a lot of people (like creating some organization or something or just like being an activist, you know what I mean)” - Kyra
“Probably for starting a charity or non-profit or something like that” - Julia
“Probably humanitarian work? Philanthropy” - Manda
“Curing cancer or becoming president” - Mai
“I've said it before and I will say it again: you are future POTUS no doubt about it” - Taylor
“Singing on YouTube or winning a Nobel prize for something” - Melissa
“Posting covers to YouTube” - Bennett
“100% “slice of life” youtube vlogging during/after college” - Spencer
“Inventing something amazing!” - Alex
“Probably some type of like crazy advancement or like being hella smart and doing great things and being rich” - Clary
“Being a computer science god” - Sid
“Being good at everything” - Jenny
My thoughts:
I would’ve said that I would get famous from being yet another Internet ukulele girl because I’m that basic. I’m quite flattered, honestly, by all of your answers because I do not have that much faith in myself. You know, if I do end up winning a Nobel prize or going into politics, I owe you all one for predicting the future. Spencer is speaking facts, though, because out of all of these options, it’s probably the one most likely to happen (as well as the singing on YouTube one from Melissa and Bennett). Catch me vlogging during college (I know you just can’t wait).
Which Disney princess am I most like?
“Belle? Because your voice is 😇 and also love a good book” - Kyra
“Belle. Even the colors I associate with you remind me of Belle. Personality too except minus the Stockholm Syndrome and such” - Manda
“I’m getting Belle vibes” - Melissa
“Belle” - Bennett
“I don’t know why but I first thought of Princess and the Frog. I think it’s because there’s this one scene where she’s reading a book? But now I’m thinking about it and like Belle read a lot right? I don’t know why I’m associating you with books, but you read a lot more than me” - Taylor
“Tiana because you work hard and you really don’t have the time or patience for men lol” - Julia
“Tiana because you have a good work ethic and work really hard to achieve your goals” - Mai
“I don’t know any of the princesses that well...But I have to say Mulan just because she’s cool and Chinese” - Jenny
“Mulan because of athleticism” - Alex
“Mulan bro you’re independent and super strong” - Clary
“Not familiar with the Disney princesses sadly but for Avatar: The Last Airbender, you’re a Ty Lee” - Spencer
“I don’t remember any Disney princesses but whichever one is the shortest!!” - Sid
My thoughts:
I would’ve said Cinderella because we’re the same MBTI type (if you don’t know my MBTI, then why haven’t you read my personality quizzes post?), but Belle makes a lot of sense, especially given my obsession with books. And respect for Manda because she has faith that I don’t have Stockholm Syndrome!
I’m very flattered that Alex, Clary, and Jenny think that I would be Mulan because Mulan is so freaking cool and way cooler than I’ll ever be. She also has the best songs, prove me wrong. I’d love to be Tiana because I respect her so much, and I really do want to try a beignet (it took me too many tries to spell that correctly). Also, Julia is very correct: I do not have the time nor patience for men. End of story. Okay, maybe Naveen, Flynn Rider, and Li Shang are exceptions. I literally wrote a song and mentioned Naveen and Flynn in it HAH never releasing that.
I laughed out loud when I read Spencer’s answer because WOW if guys simped for me like they simp for Ty Lee, I’d be getting around. Or at least I’d have wingmen to act as my personal umbrellas at the beach. I’ve always thought I was most like Katara because of those motherly qualities and because my friends are funnier than I am (hence why I am using them for content).
Oh and Sid, being the shortest Disney princess makes me Jasmine or Snow White. I will take that as a compliment because Jasmine is the bad b that I could never be. That also makes me married to Aladdin and with a pet tiger. Sounds good to me!
What would you say my inner emoji is?
“🤩” - Spencer
“🤩” - Bennett
“🥰” - Kyra
“😤👩💻🧚♀️🐝🦋💐✨ but also I’m really bad at the emoji thing” - Julia
“🥑 because she basic but a cutie” - Melissa
“ 🥳 lmaoo I don’t know how to explain it” - Mai
“📖” - Taylor
“🐵 you will always be the little monkey” - Jenny
“🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬” - Alex
“✨” - Manda
“ 🤓 or 🤬 or 🤏🏾🤡” - Sid
“ 🌺” - Clary
My thoughts:
I would’ve said 🥠 because I never end up taking my own advice (yes, I know you leave your fortunes at the table of the Chinese restaurant). In general, my friends chose nice, cute emojis that I use quite often, especially the faces. Julia just channeled the best fairy energy, and I’m all about that. Melissa is in fact correct because I am basic, and I had avocado toast for breakfast the day before sending her those questions. Also fun fact, I see the book emoji quite often because the library includes it in their emails to me when my hold is ready to be checked out :) Sid is actually incorrect because I am not a smol clown, he is!! How hilarious.
If I was an ice cream flavor, which one would I be?
“Mint chocolate chip because it’s a mature flavor?” - Melissa
“Mint chocolate chip? Or maybe like a mango sorbet. Some contrast but both work” - Spencer
“You give me a mint chocolate chip vibe” - Mai
“Mint chocolate chip 🤦🏾♂️” - Sid
“Mint because only the best people enjoy it the most teehee” - Clary
“Mmmm cookie dough I don’t know why but that’s the vibe” - Julia
“Chocolate chip or cookie dough” - Manda
“Vanilla: everyone loves you :)” - Kyra
“Strawberry with the real strawberry bits in it” - Jenny
“Birthday cake” - Alex
“I have lost the ability to taste, so I really don’t know this one oops” - Taylor
My thoughts:
I would’ve said vanilla because I’m basic (you know it’s true). I’m really happy with how the most common answer was mint chocolate chip because that’s by far my favorite ice cream flavor. I appreciate how Jenny said strawberry with the real strawberry bits because that’s some classy stuff, my friends. I’ve never had cookie dough or birthday cake ice cream, but I imagine it’s good. Ice cream in general is just delicious. Would love to be all of these flavors (just not at the same time, that'd be gross).
If I was in a horror movie, when would I die (first, second, third, etc)?
“First for sure” - Sid
“You’d die thirty seconds into the movie 100%. Like your death would be the hook for the audience to keep watching” - Spencer
“In the middle (maybe fourth out of ten) but yours would be the second saddest death behind the token comedic relief character’s death or the wholesome cute character’s death” - Manda
“I don’t know, it depends; if it was when you were crippled, definitely first 😳*, otherwise maybe like third?” - Kyra
“Second in a group of four; third in a group of five” - Bennett
“I feel like you would be the protagonist who was told to live a little, so you’re the main character’s best friend, so I feel like you die first or second to last” - Julia
“Second to last because you’re clever, so you can last a long time but then you might do something dumb LOL” - Melissa
“Last because you’d outsmart everyone and play it safe, or first because you’d fall for the trap because you’d be really stressed out” - Mai
“Last because you’re the brains of the operation or you were the super smart one killing all of us 😖” - Clary
“You would live!” - Jenny
“You SURVIVE” - Alex
“Asians don't do horror movies” - Taylor
My thoughts:
About Kyra’s answer: I got injured from volleyball in September so I was in a brace/crutches for a good six months and unable to run until April :P. I would also like to say that Taylor is very much correct: Asians don’t do horror movies and most importantly, I don’t do horror movies. I watched The Conjuring and had nightmares for weeks. I still don’t sleep with my feet outside the covers.
I’m pretty surprised at the range of answers and how first and last were the most common responses. Should I be offended that Spencer said I was 100% the hook first death? Maybe, but probably not because that means I don’t have to deal with the apocalypse, right? Also, Alex and Jenny have put so much faith in me throughout this whole interview, but would I really survive a horror movie? No sir.
In games like dodgeball, I play it very safe and am not very aggressive, so I end up dodging the whole time until I’m cornered and outnumbered. I feel like in a horror movie I’d do the same thing: stick with the pack and hide/run from everything until I’m trapped, discovered, or something like that. For those reasons, I’d probably end up dying around the middle and because if you’ve ever seen me play hide and seek, you’d know that I’m terrible (not the first one found, but definitely not the last). My hiding skills would not get me that far in a horror movie.
Overall thoughts:
These made me laugh, and this was so entertaining. I’m surprised with some (but definitely not all) of the answers, and I find it interesting that my friends all agreed with each other, but not with me. My friends definitely know me better than I do myself, and when I read a lot of the answers, I laughed and said something along the lines of “oh yeah that’s 100% true.” Anyway, I hope you all had some fun reading this because I sure did!