“Hey Caroline, what does an average day in your life look like?” asked no one ever. Yep, this is a quarantine day in my life told in pictures, even though no one asked. Treat it like a birthday present you never asked for but still got anyway (surprise?). My days usually look something like this, but there may be some slight variation from day to day. Hopefully y’all find this remotely interesting, and happy reading.
Note: take all of this with a grain of salt -- there’s of course some things that I didn’t document, and this by no means is what your days “should” look like. Also please appreciate my immaculate use of emojis to cover up my personal info.

8:30 AM: Rise and grind, folks! (please know that the alarm name is ironic ok don’t come for me)

8:35 AM: Doing that morning hygiene because skincare is of utmost importance! Products from left to right: Aveeno Clear Complexion Cream Facial Cleanser (not my fave but I mean I hope it does something), Colgate Anticavity Toothpaste (no cavities here), Vanicream Moisturizing Cream, eos Sweet Mint Lip Balm, scrunchies (because I am in fact a vsco girl; bottom one is linked here, top one I made myself), hairbrush

8:50 AM: The most important meal of the day :) I channeled my inner millennial today with some avocado toast (whole wheat sandwich thin, mashed avocado, fried egg) and a glass of milk because I want to grow like Jack’s magic beans

8:50 AM: Hydrate or diedrate, y’all! Shoutout to the Conrad Challenge for this cute water bottle that I drop way too many times
9:00 AM: Unfortunately, being a high schooler means that I have to study to impress on those good ol’ standardized tests. This is me doing my daily SAT practice and listening to Taylor Swift’s absolute dream of a new album, folklore.
9:45 AM: I finish my work just to do this. This should be featured in a try not to be satisfied challenge.

9:50 AM: Taking a little post-study break with some YouTube! I’m watching studyquill’s latest video for my daily dose of aesthetic vibes I could never recreate.

10:00 AM: Working on my latest blog post! I posted this monster of a list a few hours after this photo was taken.

10:30 AM: A lil yogurt break because Greek yogurt and I are the best of friends. This just has plain Greek yogurt, the Quaker oats raisin + almond granola that literally tastes like oatmeal raisin cookies (the superior cookie, prove me wrong), chia seeds, and bananas.

11:30 AM: Getting some work done for one of my volunteer jobs! Wish I could take a more interesting picture, but this is all I can do without exposing confidential stuff. This was taken right before I clocked in to answer some emails and help some new volunteers get started.

12:30 PM: LUNCH ugh finally. Today my family and I had this porridge type thing made from corn meal, homemade spring rolls, and this big dish of a lot of stuff (glass noodles, lettuce, homemade pork meatballs, soy sauce marinated pork). Delish.

1:00 PM: A meeting for my internship! Again with the whole “uninteresting picture because I don’t want to expose anything” situation, but we had a short meeting to go over tasks for the week. After the meeting, I just got to work on my weekly tasks.
2:30 PM: A watermelon break because watermelon is the best fruit that happened to mankind. Also featured in the food break is some nian gao that I made yesterday! For those who don’t know what nian gao is, it’s a sticky rice cake that can be baked or fried and usually has nuts and red bean paste. Overall, good eats.

2:45 PM: Class! I’m mentoring Python students in a coding class, which has been really fun so far. It’s a great way to reinforce my Python skills since I don’t use them too much. I also teach Java, but Mondays and Wednesdays are Python days. Zoom and I have become very much acquainted during quarantine.

4:30 PM: A time of day that results in cheers and jeers: working out. I alternate between running and doing full-body workouts, and today was a full body day. I did these three YouTube workouts from the queens MadFit and Chloe Ting (arms, legs, abs). My body hurts.

6:30 PM: Oh yes, my favorite meal of the day (if you didn’t know, it’s dinner). On the menu tonight were some pork buns (dropped off by a family friend, the closest thing to take out we’ve eaten during quarantine haha), home grown cucumbers sauteed with tomatoes, air-fried baby shrimp, and soup with pork, mushrooms, and soybeans. And also milk because calcium = the growth I need

7:30 PM: Went outside for a little walk around the neighborhood and caught the moon up in the sky. Get that daily sunshine, everyone!

8:00 PM: Doing some reading because cheesy romance novels have gotten me through quarantine (I’m not joking). This is August and Everything After by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski, which isn’t exactly a cheesy romance because it does tackle a lot of real-world struggles. Rate: 4.5/5 → fell in love with the characters (who are musicians, by the way so like what else do you need), got me in my feels (aka I cried), but I have some, uh, issues with the ending

9:00 PM: A chill little jam session with my ukulele :) I did some writing and some singing of old One Direction songs (10 years of 1D ugh the nostalgia). Whether I have the guts to post one of my originals is TBD. I'd cringe.
9:30 PM: Just kinda chilling out here and listening to some podcasts (this one is Pretty Basic by Alisha Marie and Remi Cruz) and watching some YouTube (watching LaurDIY make a TikTok inspired beer pong table). I’ve been liking listening to podcasts at night when I’m trying to sleep and setting up a sleep timer so I don’t play Alisha Marie’s voice for 8 hours straight.

10:00 PM: Doing the evening hygiene because skincare is still of utmost importance! Products from left to right: Aveeno Clear Complexion Cream Facial Cleanser, Oral B electric toothbrush from Costco, Colgate Anticavity Toothpaste, Vanicream Moisturizing Cream, contacts because I'm blind, eos Sweet Mint Lip Balm, hairbrush

10:30 PM: Netflix partying with one of my friends and watching Outer Banks! I’m rewatching it, and it’s really interesting watching the series from the beginning when you already know what’s going to happen. 10/10 recommend this show though!
Late at night: We’re not gonna say what time this is but good night, y’all! Hope you enjoyed reading :)