On Sunday, October 15, 2017, I decided that I would create a bucket list (how inventive of my 13 year old self, I know). The actual list is much longer than this one, but I thought it would be fun to post a shorter version on this blog. 50 before 50 is just catchier, I guess.
Let’s be real here, I will definitely not be accomplishing all of these things before I hit the big 5 0, and maybe I won’t do all of them in my lifetime. Some of these things are much easier to accomplish than others (purple hair here I come), but I didn’t want to include all of the things that I’d definitely be doing in the next 35 years (what’s the fun in that?). This post will be an interesting one to look back on in ten years, for sure.
Hopefully this gives y’all some inspiration, and we can live out our best coming-of-age movie lives together (just need myself a Timothee Chalamet and I’ll be complete). I grouped the items in the list in certain categories so maybe that’ll help y’all, and happy bucket listing!

Chicago, Illinois. I want to take a picture like this in every city I go to.
Physical Activity (cool things that involve exercise):
1. Do a color run
2. Go snowboarding
3. Go laser tagging
4. Go paintballing (like 10 Things I Hate About You!!)
5. Learn to juggle (circus here I come!)
6. Ride a segway
7. Ride a hot air balloon
8. Go skydiving (aka turn into a flying type Pokemon)
9. Go bungee jumping
10. Go camping (like in The Parent Trap, but no stranding Meredith in a lake)
11. Throw it back to the 80’s and go to a roller rink
12. Run around in a giant hamster ball
13. Sail a boat
Lifestyle (music, beauty, other cool things):
14. Jam out at a concert
15. Meet someone famous
16. Dye my hair purple
17. Stay up all night just for the fun of it
18. Get up at dawn to watch the sunrise
19. Start a YouTube channel (like and subscribe, y’all!)
20. Do a photoshoot but be the photographer
21. Appear in a movie
22. Upload an original song to Spotify
23. Find my doppelganger
24. Have my 15 minutes of fame
25. Find a four-leaf clover
26. Have my name on Wikipedia
School (because education >>):
27. Graduate high school
28. Get a college degree
Travel (places I’d jet off to if I was Cher from Clueless):
29. London (Platform 9 ¾ baby!)
30. France
31. Italy
32. Germany
33. Australia
34. Japan
35. Iceland (Northern Lights I’m looking at you)
36. Hawaii
37. Alaska
38. The Grand Canyon
39. Antelope Canyon
40. Drive the Pacific Coast Highway
41. Take a photo of a place that looks better than the Google image
Way Long Term (adulting things):
42. Start a family
43. Adopt a pet
44. Find a job that doesn’t make it feel like work
45. Be there for the people who have always been there for me
46. Change someone’s life for the better
47. Support my parents
48. Conquer my greatest fears
49. Make my parents proud
50. Laugh every single day