We definitely have pet peeves: those things that tick us off, make our skin crawl, and bug us to no end. Today, I decided to share them all with you. This is kind of just something I wanted to get off my chest, but maybe some of y’all will relate to me on this. I feel like some of these are more common than others, and some of these are things that I could go on and on about for hours. If you want to hear that, text me. Happy (or not-so-happy) reading, I guess?
Typos (excuse me, my name is right there)
Making a makeup routine video solely for the purpose of a sponsorship
Slow walkers
Asking what the homework is when there’s an easily accessible course calendar
Emails with no subject
Being on your phone at the dinner table (especially when eating or one on one when I’m talking to you)
Using the wrong homophone (using your when it’s supposed to be you’re gives me the heebie-jeebies)
Flaky or chronically late people
Sneezing into your hands (ELBOW please)
Being rude to waitstaff (don’t get mad at them for something out of their control, and don’t be plain rude to them)
People who repost all of the birthday/congratulations Instagram stories that people made for them (yes, it’s great to appreciate what people do for you, but I get it, it’s your birthday, you don’t need to tell me 20 times)
Not putting spoiler/flash/trigger warnings (thank you to the people on TikTok who spoiled Crooked Kingdom for me. I still cried, thank you very much)
Excessive use of capitalization
Entitled people
Making a morning/night routine video on a day that is not normal
Dry texters (yes, I’m calling myself out)
People who reply-all with a response that I did not need to see
Ignorance (this is less of a pet peeve and more of a serious issue I have with people)
Cheating and other toxic behavior being romanticized in the media (again: less of a pet peeve and more of a serious issue -- do not get me started on this; I was legitimately thinking of making a whole post about this topic)
People who refuse to diversify their bookshelves (at least try… and acknowledge the problematic elements in the books you read -- it doesn’t mean you can’t like them, just be aware of their faults)
A lot of the early ones on this list are pretty common and things that just irk me, but the last few are some of the huge issues that I have with people or society in general. I could give you a whole rant on the portrayal of toxic behavior (especially in relationships) in media and the reluctance to diversify your bookshelf (if you ever want to see that... let me know).
Anyway, this was a short little list of all of the things that tick me off, and hopefully you found this fun.