I’m not one to care about astrology, but according to horoscope.com, today’s a great day for hustle and success, but absolutely terrible in terms of “vibes” (whatever that means). If any of y’all figure out the meaning of this horoscope, give me a call. This was a really poor segway into the actual subject of today’s post, but basically, I saw Sasha Morga live like her zodiac sign for a day, and I thought it’d be pretty fun if I did the same. Hope you all enjoy this!
Before we start, here’s some more info on my sign: According to the moon and the stars, I’m a Virgo, which means I’m unnecessarily uptight with the least amount of chill you ever did find. Just kidding (but lowkey not really). Based the Internet, here’s a little breakdown on the qualities of a Virgo:
Element: Earth
Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical
Weaknesses: Shyness, worry, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play
Virgo likes: Animals, healthy food, books, nature, cleanliness
Virgo dislikes: Rudeness, asking for help, taking center stage
First thing I noticed: maybe this is why BuzzFeed thinks I’m an earthbender. Smooth. But overall, I definitely think my personality lines up well with the Virgo traits. People definitely notice how I’m a hard worker and a caring person, but also that I’m pretty picky and put a lot of pressure on myself. I would also say that they hit the nail on the head with the likes/dislikes because I love books, I try to eat healthy as much as I can, and I try to stay organized. I also hate rudeness (like rude drivers ugh just be a nice driver) and asking for help because I got that pride thing going on. Basically, I’m a Virgo through and through. Without further ado (rhymes haha), here’s me living like a Virgo for a day!

This is the certified most important meal of the day. According to Delish, I should have a smoothie bowl for breakfast. They say, “As the most health and wellness-oriented sign of the zodiac, you care about what you put into your body, so you like to start the day with a vitamin-rich meal. You also tend to be a perfectionist, so you might become mildly obsessed with arranging sliced fruit on top of the bowl in the most geometric, Instagram-worthy ways.” I love smoothie bowls, so this was a great excuse to make one. I’d also like to note that Delish is in fact correct because the fruit arrangement is *everything* for smoothie bowls. The cardinal rule of the smoothie bowl is that it must be Instagrammable. Anyway, I used my smoothie bowl recipe from my food faves post, and it was delish! I just put some strawberries, golden kiwi, chia seeds, and granola on top. 10/10 way to start the day (rhymes AGAIN wow).
Morning Routine

According to Well + Good, the best healthy morning routine for a Virgo is to make a to-do list. Honestly, not surprised. They say, “The perfectionists of the zodiac, Virgos are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication...‘No one can make a list better than a Virgo, which is why they should spend some time each morning organizing their priorities, thus making a note of what they should do with their day,’ says Thomas. ‘This will keep their mind fresh and ready to tackle whatever the day brings.’” I actually make to-do lists everyday, so this wasn’t too big of a stretch for me.
The first item on my to-do list is to get in a good morning workout. Shape says the best workout for a Virgo is a core workout, which is actually the only workout that I do daily (I do legs, arms, and cardio every other day). Apparently, “...one of the main benefits of core work is its ability to put you in touch with your gut and instinct.” I didn’t necessarily get in touch with my instinct during this workout, but it was a good one nonetheless. I used this workout from my queen Chloe Ting because who doesn’t want her abs?

I’m definitely in luck because according to Luxy, the best hairstyle for a Virgo is a slicked back, messy top knot, which is the exact hairstyle that I’ve been wearing everyday during quarantine. Luxy says, “The beginning of the year will have you playing tug-of-war with your logical and emotional halves, Virgo... This slicked-back top knot Kaia Geber sported down the runway is symbolic of the approach you should take in 2020. The clean slicked back look represents your logical side while the slightly tousled top knot is symbolic of your emotions. Together they create the perfect stylish balance.” I don’t really know how symbolic this messy bun actually is, but at least I didn’t have to put too much effort into it.

See, at first, I thought I was going to be going all out for my hair, makeup, and outfit today, but from the looks of the hair and makeup suggestions, that’s not going to be true. Based on this article from Loreal, I should keep my makeup minimal, which is great because I never (and I mean never) wear makeup anyways. They say, “Modest and conservative, you prefer to show off your natural beauty.” Or maybe I’m just lazy. Either works. I never use anything except moisturizer on my skin, so I just stuck to the eyes. I used the Lamora Exposed Nudes eyeshadow palette, which contains a bunch of shimmery, brown-toned shades. I used Champagne in my inner corner, Mauve on my lid, and Comfort on the outer third of my lid. I used the Maybelline Colossal Volum Express mascara, and then just my regular lip balm because I’m not that fancy. This is also the standard makeup that I do whenever I need to put on makeup, and it took me less than five minutes.
There were some mixed results for Virgo style, but there was definitely a consensus that Virgos like classic pieces with maybe a little bit of contrast thrown in. Lulus says, “Virgo style is easily summed up by their classic character traits: sophisticated, humble, and practical. They love solid colored separates, classic silhouettes, and always staying coordinated.” I chose a gray t-shirt from TJMaxx, a loose cardigan from Cotton Emporium, and a pair of jean shorts from Papaya. I’ve definitely worn a very similar outfit before, though I’ve never worn this exact combination. I think it’s really cute, though!
You know, I was expecting something relatively mainstream, but maybe a bit slower, I guess? Some Taylor Swift Lover vibes? But um, according to Mashable and Ambient Mixer, “Virgos are very analytical and kind. This may explain why they all seem to enjoy and appreciate the sounds of nature as part of their music taste. From classical renaissance, to new age sounds, it is all about peace and calm for them.” The Spotify playlists listed were Peaceful Piano, Classical Essentials, and Nature Sounds, all of which sound like playlists I’d want to fall asleep to. Actually, there was a point in seventh grade when I listened to either this Pokemon instrumental soundtrack or my classical violin playlist while working, but I haven’t listened to either in a while. These playlists were really nice when working on math or reading homework because I don’t get distracted by the lyrics of the songs (because there are none). The Peaceful Piano playlist pleasantly surprised me, but overall, I prefer my Taylor Swift.
What to Do
I had some free time in the afternoon, so I needed to figure out what to do to combat my boredom. According to Bustle, “Virgos have a gift when it comes to organization — like, seriously, Marie Kondo has nothing on you So you'll probably find it soothing, entertaining, and productive to tackle a home organization project that's been on your back burner for a while, such as sorting through your clothes, cleaning out a drawer, or getting all your jewelry organized. Once you get into the groove, you'll find that hours pass like minutes — and the finished result will definitely spark joy.” I haven’t cleaned out my closet in a good five months, so it was nice to get everything organized again (though it will definitely become unorganized in a matter of days heehee). I organized everything by what type of clothing it was and also took out some clothes that I don't wear anymore so I can sell or donate them. I also cleaned out my computer and my binders from last school year to prepare for the new school year and that made me feel really organized and productive.

Yeah, so I got hungry. Whoops! No shame. When I tried to figure out what to snack on, Unwritten said, “You want a snack that will fuel your body right. For you, granola is perfect. Made with healthy nuts and grains from the earth, it’s a snack that provides you with the power to move mountains. And you have to admit, it’s pretty delicious too.” Since eating plain granola is kinda weird, I had it with some Greek yogurt, bananas, and chia seeds. This is just the Quaker almond + raisin granola, but I also love the pumpkin flax granola from Costco.
What to Watch

I was looking around for some Netflix recommendations for Virgos, and the first two I found were Spinning Out and Next in Fashion (already watched those), but Nylon recommended The Politician. They say, “Virgos are purveyors of quality, and this show is incredibly rich on all fronts: plot, characterization, wardrobe, writing, and cinematography. The trailer for The Politician hardly does it justice, but what we're introduced to is a young man competing for the title of student body president. And, if we are to take it at face value, we might think that it's simply a high school dramedy about high-class competition. But Virgo never takes anything at face value. Perceptive Virgos who commit to an episode or two will find that what awaits them is a secret (homosexual) affair, a healthy sprinkle of something like a whodunit, class warfare, attempted homicide, and a light dash of medical drama. For a Virgo, there is no greater pleasure than sorting out the various storylines and plot strategies afoot while relishing the golden hues and sardonic humor.”
I’ve heard of this show only through Ben Platt (his music >>>), and I think it’s really good so far! It’s definitely more complex than it lets on at first, like what Nylon said about how there’s affairs and whodunits and all of this other stuff outside an election. I cried when they spoke Mandarin HAHA their pronunciation wasn’t terrible though so props to them (though there was this one grammar moment I cringed at). I found this show interesting because I’ve run for class president and it’s nowhere near this intense or fancy in real life. However, it was cool to see a school election portrayed more extensively in a show since I’ve never seen that before (if a show does something on elections, it’s usually just in one episode). WHEN BEN PLATT STARTED SINGING I WAS SO HAPPY (even though the scene and the song were really sad and I was sad).

Dessert time, best time. According to Spoon University, I should eat anything chocolate, which I’m totally down for. I think my love of chocolate has only grown over time, and I definitely believe chocolate can solve many problems in your life. Spoon University says, “You are a loving and caring person and like to be loved in return. You are generous and supportive to anyone close to you. Like chocolate, you’re always there when someone needs to be cheered up.” I ate one of these Godiva chocolates, and it was delicious. Yum. Great way to end the night. Goodnight everyone, and hope y’all enjoyed reading!