Hi there. Happy Wednesday. I’ve been wanting to make a post like this and I decided to finally hecking do it, but I’m too lazy to shift my blog posting schedule so here’s a bonus post for this week. This is me talking for however long this video ends up being. Basically me venting. Talking about mindset. Not bottling up my feelings.
I’ll leave the timestamps for discussion topics down below and also in the YouTube description, and hope y’all enjoy this mess of a post because I just really needed to talk. Have fun listening to a one-sided conversation that hopefully gets better as it goes along.
0:00 How i’ve been feeling (bottling up your feelings is bad but i do it anyway)
3:49 The cycles of quarantine (is it really big virgo energy? + when alone becomes lonely)
13:36 Mindset is everything (and why i’m talking to a computer on a Monday afternoon)
18:52 Heather by Conan Gray but in real life (dislike for no freaking reason except envy)